Circle and Ring
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Given a circle and a ring, your task is to calculate the area of their intersection.
This problem contains multiple test cases, process to the end of file.
For each case, there are two lines. The first line contains three real numbers x', y' and r' (0 <= r' <= 1024) representing the circle. The second line contains four real numbers x, y, r and R (0 <= r <= R <= 1024) representing the ring.
For each case, output the area with the accuracy of three digits after decimal point in a signal line.
Never output "-0.000"!
Sample Input
10 0 20-10 0 10 2020 30 1540 30 0 30
Sample Output
Author: WU, Zejun Source: ZOJ Monthly, November 2008 题意:给出一个圆的圆心坐标和半径,以及一个圆环的坐标和内外圆的半径,求这个圆和圆环的相交面积。
圆和圆环的相交面积 = 圆和圆环中大圆的相交面积 - 圆和圆环中小圆的相交面积。
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include